Saturday, December 13, 2008

Check This Out: Brad Pitt In A Wes Anderson-Directed Japanese Commercial

We don't seem to see many big stars these days doing Japanese commercials anymore. Used to be, anyone from Harrison Ford to Arnold Schwarzenegger would pop up in a random and bizarre commercial made for Japanese audiences. Well, in a bit of a throwback to that old tradition, and also as an homage to Oscar-winning French filmmaker Jacques Tati's Monsieur Hulot character, Wes Anderson has teamed with Brad Pitt to put together a commercial for a Japanese...cell phone? Camera? Cute wrist strap accesory? Hard to tell, but who cares, enjoy the commercial. By the way, I'm loving YouTube's new HD feature. I don't think you can embed the HD versions yet, so click on through to YouTube if you want to check the video out in high quality.