Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Updates From Nottingham

Nottingham, the re-telling of the Robin Hood story that Ridley Scott will be directing Russel Crowe in, has some new details. We had heard the story would find Robin Hood and the Sheriff of Nottingham as the same person, and now we're hearing more about how that will be done. In an interview with MTV, producer Brian Grazer let spill the details surrounding the character confusion. It's a bit of a spoiler in terms of how the movie will start, so those who don't want to know any plot points should go no further.

"Grazer said “The two role confusion is that what Robin Hood does is he sees Nottingham in battle very early in the movie and Nottingham dies. And Robin Hood takes over the identity of Nottingham. Thats how it plays out.” Grazer went on to call the film “an origin story” for the characters."

So there you have it. I'm always up for revisionist tellings of traditional tales, and with Hollywood pumping out so many remakes, I'd rather have it be a fresh take as opposed to just a new cast with shinier toys. And now the story just seems to be getting more and more interesting, and with Scott and Crowe involved, I'm expecting good things.