International Terminator Salvation Trailer Online... For Now!
Terminator Salvation's international trailer from Japan is online for now and it looks... well, pretty damn good!
For months now, we've been following McG's Terminator Salvation with hope and not a little trepidation in our hearts - always careful not to get too involved or too invested, because we knew it would be so easy to be disappointed and heartbroken. Some signs that this might not suck were there - the impressive casting, positive buzz from actor Sam Worthington to James Cameron, and a marketing campaign that has had us at times undeniably saying, "Cool."
Now the first real glimpse we're getting at the movie is here and you know what? Damn it all, but I can't help it - I'm genuinely stoked for this movie. Other than Christian Bale doing what sounds just like his Batman voice, everything in the trailer has me geeking out. I think this movie could be good. Worse than that, I'm now hoping wholeheartedly that it will be. Be gentle with my heart, McG!
Terminator Salvation opens wide May 22nd, 2009.
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